No cook summer vegetarian supper – 10 minutes max

IMG_0928Considering that I spend a lot of my time either cooking, sourcing ingredients and eating out or in as the occasion dictates I realise that at the moment not many recipes or foods are making it to my posts, this is mainly due to the temperature which makes me feel too listless to do much especially not in the kitchen and partly due to the fact that I have a wonderful Italian biscuit recipe ready to share, but I need to validate some of the ingredients with the baker before I do so. So above a recent supper – fresh cucumbers from nonna’s garden, flown up on easyjet, cherry tomatoes, beautiful Nam Doc Thai Mango, I’d recommend buying exotic fruit from stores run by expats – the fruit you will be able to get will, in my experience, invariably be better than what you get in large supermarkets. Some baguette, once again sourced at the source in France, and some fresh goat’s cheese on a hand-painted plate I made at a bridal shower many years ago and still use from time to time. A chopped Galia melon and some small dipping pots of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

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