Marvelous English breakfast muffins

IMG_1293IMG_1287The fact that I am not posting anything on food at the moment,  which is due to feeling like I am in 15 places at once, should not for a minute induce you to think, that I have been away from the kitchen. Nor in fact that I am not eating, perish the thought…There are even photos of my endeavours, but they don’t make it online. Apart from these  beautiful English breakfast muffins, they came out really well, I also made a malt loaf last week and a chocolate and prune cake a week before, very moist, very moreish, but what I wanted to share with you today, are photos of muffins. English muffins are a type of bread. Not sweet like American muffins, but bread like, but then more satisfying. They are bit like mollettes (from Andalucia in Spain, but only a bit, best if you just try them!). English muffins are eaten typically at breakfast, warm and toasted with jam and butter, or with an egg and bacon on top, I think avocado and egg would work too, maybe with some cheddar? Your imagination is the only thing holding you back here :):

It does take a while to make them though but they are very moreish and very satisfying, I used the recipe from the Great book of British baking – it calls for equal amounts fluid and flour, which should have made me suspicious, but as I wasn’t paying attention, didn’t. I ended up having to add another 1-2 cups of flour until the dough was perfect. If you bake you will know. So you make the dough, let it rise, knead it, let it rise, make little muffins, shape them into rounds, and pat both sides with semolina, let them rise between two baking sheets so they stay flat. And then bake on a griddle as below and then you toast them, add lashings of jam, and butter and inhale (can you tell I have been eating low carb, high protein, cardboard type protein shakes instead of bread for breakfast? You can, why am I not surprised. Anyhow,   a word to the wise on protein shakes – don’t – unless you really don’t love to eat..) Oh and yes, I do know that muffins, malt loaf and chocolate cakes do not qualify as low carb  – what that means is, as I love to bake and find it therapeutic, but I am also cutting down on stuff I really enjoy, like high carb treats, I am giving a lot of love to the neighbours right now… ..Until I make up a batch of mince pies that is, there I will need to eat one.

Anyhow back to muffins – here they are in the griddle:


IMG_1299IMG_1297IMG_1296 IMG_1294As the recipe I followed needed fixing half-way through I am sending you here – the recipe looks right

32 thoughts on “Marvelous English breakfast muffins

    • Why hello -this means you have likely never come across an English muffin. You should try them, they are very lovely indeed. Scones should be nicely risen, lumpy and not browned on top, then there are crumpets and pikelets and welshcakes – oh it never ends. Anyhow, English muffins should not to be confused with an American sweet cake muffin. read here via Wikipedia:

      A muffin is an individual sized quick bread product. Muffins in America are similar to a cupcakes in size and cooking methods. These can come in both savory varieties, such as corn or cheese muffins, or sweet varieties such as blueberry or banana.

      Outside the United Kingdom, an English Muffin is a flatter disk-shaped bread of English origin. These muffins are popular in Commonwealth countries and the United States.

      • !!!! 🙂 no no – not at all!!! sorry, I shall now doubt be an old-fashioned teacher in my next life brandishing a hazel swithch 🙂 – anyhow THANKS for commenting, not to worry, there are so many different shaped things around the world – can’t know them all which is where the fun comes in – I remember when I was first introduced to the Puglian Frise – it was hard as a brick and I was told you need to soak it in water, apply olive oil, and then tomato and it would be great, I thought, I sincerely doubt this, but fine – and you know what they are wonderful 🙂 and I made my own for a while too – have a great night!

  1. They do look really good. I’ve read recipes on how to make them, but they do seem to take an absolute age. Besides, yeast doesn’t work very well in my flat. I’ll just have to move! As I could do with a neighbour like yourself.

    • Hi Johnny – they do take ages, but it is really worth it, even if you are only feeding the neighbours as am I. I’d be happy to supply you with baked goods – yeast works very well here :)!

    • brilliant – and do you have any idea why american muffins are called muffins and are so different – do you reckon they evolved from the English version? Or did someone just not want to make the effort involved in english muffins, made cake in small batches and called them muffins? I wonder!

  2. Nice going you! I fell of the wagon the last two months with the low cabs thing. Will have to get my act together and eat right, just feels so much better when I do. Same thing here. Never stopped cooking but nomtime to style or take photo’s. Hope you can wind down soon. I plan to.

    • Well heeeelllo! Wind down, hope so, there is a frantic last minute sprint to get everything done. In the words of my brother in law a lawyer – “didn’t you know the apocalypse is a upon us, and that there will not be a New Year, which is why everyone wants everything done now..” – it’s a busy time all round!

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